

Books by Dr. Dorries



This book develops the theme that the Jesus of history must be understood and received first as Gift before consideration of His life, teachings and example can be rightly appropriated. Historic movements have fallen short because they minimized the grace factor both in their understanding of conversion and in Christian growth and maturity. Failure to account for the grace factor results in legalistic and performance-based versions of the Gospel. The coming of Jesus and His costly sacrifice at Calvary is the apex of salvation history. Receiving Jesus as Gift is primary, for He comes to indwell and guide the believer through the Holy Spirit. Once transformed, the believer now can rightly view Jesus’ life as an example. Jesus’ authentically human life, lived in submission to the Father’s will and in the Spirit’s anointing of power, is the baseline for life as it is meant to be lived among those who believe. The key is the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ submission to the Father and His anointing to minister to people in supernatural power, was through the Spirit’s presence in His life. He gave that same Holy Spirit to dwell in the life of every believer. This book invites today’s believers to abandon the futility and despair of self-effort in striving after the ideals of being like Jesus. Receiving Him as gift is revolutionary, for He comes to dwell in the believer and gives His Holy Spirit to take control. The Holy Spirit will take center-stage to guide and empower every believer to experience the joy, peace and rest of being yielded to the Lordship of Jesus Christ!


Nothing is more vital to to true revival in today's church than the merger of sound theology with the Spirit's power. This book represents a fresh encounter with the best of ancient theology integrated with the dynamic empowerment of the Holy Spirit. A reader's comments: "I bought the book on a Sunday and after I began reading it that afternoon, could not bear to put it down. It is one of the most remarkable pieces of scholarship on the tenets of Christianity I have ever read, ... Dr. Dorries does a better job explaining doctrines such as the trinity, salvation, heresy, faith, and other Christian doctrines and beliefs than I have read in one volume. Quite frankly, I am amazed at his scholarship." -James Beauchamp


Few Bible-believing Christians would deny that Jesus Christ somehow was a combination of both deity and humanity. Yet how many could offer a biblical or historical defense for their belief? Furthermore, how many could offer a clear explanation for why His unique identity is significant for their daily experience as a Christian? This little book is a treasury of biblical and historical insight that will be welcomed by Christians from all backgrounds as a rich resource for understanding the significance of Jesus’ unique identity for everyday living. This book also will help Christians to be better prepared to detect false interpretations of Jesus that are so rampant in today’s diverse religious landscape. Few topics are more vital than being able to offer a rational and persuasive defense for why faith in Jesus Christ is significant!


Cristología Llena del Espíritu presenta que Jesucristo es el ejemplo de la vida y el ministerio lleno del Espíritu para todos los Cristianos hoy. Argumenta que una doctrina de Cristo -- Cristología -- correcta es la fundación necesaria para una doctrina y experiencia correcta del Espíritu Santo -- Pneumatología. Este estudio combina teología histórica -- cómo la doctrina de Cristo se ha desarrollado a través de la historia de la iglesia y porqué la iglesia ha correctamente rechazado herejías -- con aplicación práctica, presentando como los Cristianos pueden vivir según Jesús vivió, por el poder del Espíritu Santo. Cristología Llena del Espíritu es útil para el estudio personal así como para cursos de colegio y seminario. Expresa la teología Pentecostal-carismática y toca expresiones del Espíritu Santo como el hablar en lenguas en relación a la vida y ministerio de Jesucristo. Exalta la gracia de Dios expresada a través del Espíritu como la base y el poder para el vivir cristiano y busca corregir la enseñanza popular que exalta en lugar de ello al esfuerzo humano. Presenta especialmente una carta personal de Oral Roberts al autor acerca de hablar en lenguas y "60" Afirmaciones de la Cristología Llena del Espíritu, "las cuales ayudan al lector a conectar verdades teológicas a la vida cotidiana"


Edward Irving welcomed and authenticated the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit more than 75 years before the Pentecostal Movement exploded upon the scene of Christian history. This British pastor and theologian challenged the status quo of 19th century Protestantism to reconsider their hardened rejection of the continuation of supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit beyond the era of the New Testament. Irving wrote with theological wisdom and prophetic vision as to the reasons why miraculous gifts, signs and wonders have a vital role to play in the expression and expansion of the Christian church in every generation. When Pentecostal manifestations spread from the west of Scotland to his London congregation in 1831, Irving was poised to provide biblical, theological and practical guidance to theses adventurous disciples of the supernatural who were more than a century ahead of their time. Edward Irving's Holy Spirit writings, now in print after more than 150 years of neglect, appear in this fresh and compelling presentation with an informative introduction and helpful chronology of persons and events to introduce to the modern reader this treasury of essays that are sure to enlighten and inspire.


Could Jesus have taken human nature in its fallen state, like ours, yet lived His life in absolute sinlessness? Nineteenth century Scottish pastor Edward Irving lost his standing as an ordained Christian minister for communicating this truth. This precise Christological issue had never been debated officially in Christian history until Irving's time, yet he insisted that his teaching was not novel. He merely was restating the traditional doctrines of the ancient Church Fathers and Protestant Reformers. This volume brings to light the intriguing story of Irving's struggle to keep alive the true doctrine of Christ's fallen yet sinless humanity in an age of theological darkness.



The Maid and the Minister.

A young Scottish woman in the early 1800's made a theological discovery that, when shared with a famous London minister, led to a pre-Pentecostal revival more than 75 years before the Azusa Street Revival and the birth of modern Pentecostalism. 


Wind and Fire.

A humble black minister stuck to his belief in Spirit baptism in spite of extreme rejection. His ministry gave birth to an explosion of Pentecostal power at the Azusa Street mission, giving birth to a revival of the gifts, signs and wonders of the Spirit of global proportions and continues to influence the church in the 21st century.


Freedom from the Performance Trap.

The tender conscience of a 16th century monk could not be comforted by the religious works prescribed by late Medieval Catholicism. Only through diligent searching of the Scriptures did Martin Luther rediscover the truth of the Gospel of God's unconditional grace. His personal freedom from the bondage of works righteousness served as a springboard for the beginnings of a Protestant movement known as the Reformation.


Kairos Breakthroughs: The Factor of God's Timing.

Oftentimes our prayers undergo delay because God's purpose exceeds our momentary grasp of what is at stake. Rather than abandoning our requests, God wants us to enter into a process orchestrated by Him that not only will lead to eventual manifestation, but will impart invaluable insights concerning His strategies.


Miracles in Every Century.

Church historians have been silent about the miraculous operations of the Holy Spirit after the ending of the Biblical era. This study demonstrates beyond any shadow of doubt that miracles have been a part of Christian experience throughout every century of the church's history. Various streams and traditions of Christianity are represented, as well as a wide diversity both of known and unknown personalities. Direct quotations are cited often, and striking graphics bring the stories to life.